Examples of Using and Integrating GPT by OpenAI in the Artistic Environment to Assist Artists, Art Managers, and Curators

Brief Artist Bio and Creating a Proposal Letter to a Gallery

For example, I will show a real dialogue with my GPT Art Manager, which you can also easily use by following the link to the official OpenAI website.

When you try it out and have real interesting examples, send them to me at art.ai.assistant.verbicki@gmail.com. I will also share interesting examples of usage on this page.

I deliberately did not include a link to my website in the request. The assistant found it by itself. By reading the text it created, I see that it actually visited my website and analyzed the content. Also, from the text, I can see that it reviewed and familiarized itself with the texts in the attached PDF file. If desired, one could ask it to pay attention to specific points or, conversely, not to include certain information in the letter. But I was interested in conducting a pure experiment.

Of course, before sending this letter, I will carefully edit it. But as a starting point, it’s excellent. And it did all the work in about 4-5 seconds, including analyzing the website and the attached PDF file with the collection. So much faster than I could formulate the request.

Below is the text itself. I deliberately did not change a single letter in this text and provide it as is for the purity of the experiment. (My request to the assistant was in Ukrainian, so if you are reading this text in English, it is already translated.)

My request to the GPT Art Manager:

I am a multidisciplinary artist, Serhiy Verbicki. I work in various genres and techniques. I have a new collection of works done in ceramics. The title is “Life by the Fire.” You can learn more about me and this collection on my official website. Study all the information on the site thoroughly to create a short portrait-resume of me as an artist for curators. Review all the texts on my site and draw conclusions. Explore the album “Life by the Fire.” I will attach the file in PDF format to this message. Study it carefully and help me write a proposal letter to the gallery where I want to hold an exhibition.

To proceed with your request, please upload the PDF file containing the album “Life by the Fire.” I will also review the content on your official website to create a comprehensive portrait-resume and assist with the proposal letter for the gallery.

Response from GPT Art Manager:

Brief Artist Bio of Serhiy Verbicki for Curators

Serhiy Verbicki is a multidisciplinary artist known for his unique ability to blend ancient techniques with contemporary methods. His latest collection, “Life by the Fire,” is executed in the “raku” technique—a traditional Japanese ceramic firing method that achieves unique textures and patterns through rapid cooling in an oxygen-deprived environment.

Key Features of His Art and Philosophy:

• Naturalness and Simplicity: Serhiy’s creative direction reflects a “Primeval Minimalism” that emphasizes the naturalness and simplicity of forms.

• Resilience and Will to Live: Each piece in the “Life by the Fire” collection was created during the war in Ukraine, symbolizing strength of spirit and the will to live.

• Innovation and Tradition: Serhiy studies ancient master techniques and integrates them with modern technologies, creating a harmonious blend of old and new.

The “Life by the Fire” Collection:

This collection embodies the artist’s personal experiences and hardships during the war, with each piece symbolizing resilience, freedom, and victory. Using the “raku” technique, Serhiy achieves unpredictable crack patterns and smoky hues, giving each work its unique character.

Personal Experience and Inspiration:

Serhiy spent six months living in the forest, maintaining a fire, which became a symbol of his creativity and life approach. During the war, he chooses the studio over the bomb shelter, dedicating every moment to his art. This choice underscores his determination and devotion to art.

Goals and Plans:

Serhiy aims to create a large creative space, an art residency, and a scientific center in a safe, environmentally friendly location, where artists and scientists can collaborate on projects for the development and prosperity of humanity.

Proposal Letter to Gallery

[Gallery Name]

[Gallery Address]


Dear [Name or Surname of the Gallery Representative],

My name is Serhiy Verbicki, and I am a multidisciplinary artist from Kyiv, Ukraine. I am reaching out to you with a proposal to organize an exhibition of my new collection of ceramic works titled “Life by the Fire” in your esteemed gallery.

The “Life by the Fire” collection was created during the war in Ukraine and embodies my personal experiences and hardships. Each piece is crafted using the “raku” technique, which allows for unique textures and patterns through rapid cooling in an oxygen-deprived environment. These works symbolize resilience, freedom, and the will to live, emotions that I convey through my art.

My artistic philosophy is based on combining natural simplicity with contemporary techniques, allowing me to create harmonious, lively, and honest works. I strive to achieve a deep emotional connection with the viewer through my pieces, which reflect the spirit of the times and personal experiences.

I would be delighted to present my works in your gallery and discuss my philosophy and techniques at the exhibition opening. I believe that “Life by the Fire” can attract a broad audience and evoke profound emotional responses from visitors.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss the details of our collaboration and give you a chance to see my works in person.


Serhiy Verbicki

[Contact Information]

[Link to Portfolio/Website]

If you need additional details or changes to the letter, please let me know.

Once again, I emphasize that GPT took approximately 5 seconds to complete this task. Overall, the entire time I spent creating this letter, including formulating the request and reading it, was about 5 minutes.

How this can be developed or improved:

You can create a template of an ideal letter to a gallery from your perspective, attach it to the request, and ask to use that structure for writing. Additionally, you can add a few pages of text written in the style you want to use, for example, by your favorite author or a real letter to a gallery from a well-known curator, etc. Write an instruction that from this point forward, all letters written for sending to galleries should be created considering this information.

When you try this out and have real interesting examples, send them to me at art.ai.assistant.verbicki@gmail.com. I will also share interesting usage examples on this page.

Stay with us! And support the project

My goal is to make this world a better place. I strive to bring positive changes to our society through art, culture, and innovation. I believe that each of us can impact the world around us, and I want to be the person who helps others unlock their potential and contribute to our common cause. My art and ideas are aimed at creating a fairer, more harmonious, and happier society.

Visit this page, use the GPT assistants, and experience the benefits of modern technology in your work.

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